Discovering a hidden haven in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia

I’m not posting much (well, at all really) at the moment, so it’s time to put the GippyGarden blog in mothballs, at least for a time.

After some high hopes 2012 has taken off to a bit of a shaky start and while some good things are happening,  the garden and the blog are a *little* neglected.

So. I’ll probably be back, maybe even sooner than I expect. But in the meantime thank you to all my lovely and thoughtful gardening friends and visitors from around the world.

I’ll try to at least come and visit your blogs from time to time 😉


Comments on: "Mothballing the GippyGarden blog." (10)

  1. Dear Heidi, I hope all is well with you. Life can be so full and it is hard to stretch enough to complete all we wish and must do. I will still keep you on my blogroll and hope to see your here again. I am sorry I have not visited in such a long while. I too had to give up part of blogging but try to stay true to why I first began. Thank you for sharing your beautiful world. Take good care and Happy (is it Fall) to you!

  2. Heidi, even though you haven’t posted much recently, I’ll miss you! I do understand though how sometimes writing a blog, which can take a lot of hours out of a day, needs to be on the back burner for a while. My own garden is rather neglected this spring too, and blogging has been a bit sparse as there just aren’t enough hours in the day…but that’s the goat’s fault 😛 I hope your garden inspires you to return soon so we can occasionally steal a peek at what’s growing.

  3. Heidi – I was just thinking about you, mere moments ago, and wondering how you were doing. You are a treasure and as with Carol, I will keep you on my Blogroll to check in from time to time. All the best “Gippy” – Be well and happy! :o)

  4. Miss seeing you around, hope all is well!

  5. I hope the good increases, and the bad disappears. Take care.

  6. Elephant's Eye said:

    Gippsland=Heidi in my mind. Hope you are busy and happy with good things.

  7. deborahelliott said:

    I will miss you! I hope you can return before long. I always enjoy reading about your garden down under! I wish you the best with all your endeavors!

  8. Hi Heidi, hope everything will turn out well, and we will ‘see’ you again in the near future.

  9. Heidi, I too will miss your voice in the blogosphere — but it makes sense to officially move the blog off your to-do list until some later time when it feels right to pick it up again. I do hope that time will come in the not-too-distant future. Wishing you all the best. -Jean

  10. Still thinking about you! Hope all is well … 🙂

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