Discovering a hidden haven in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia

It’s been a pretty rushed and impatient kind of a week. You know the type where you haven’t given yourself enough time to do anything properly, so you run around doing lots of ‘half baked’ things?  That’s been my week, so today my little bouquet is pretty ham-fisted. I call it…

"Roses Stuffed in a Jam Jar"

I’m not quite sure that stuffing something in a jar is quite what Noelle over at Ramblings From A Desert Garden had in mind when she invited us all to join her for MGB – Monthly Garden Bouquet, so I promise to try harder next time.  I suggest you head over to Noelle’s place and have a look at the lovely bouquets from people who did take some time about it there!

The roses are Abraham Darby, The Dark Lady, Ambridge Rose, Double Delight and something I thought was called ‘Devon’ that doesn’t seem to exist anywhere under that name.

Noelle is inviting everyone to join in, so see what you can create and jump in. I really enjoy seeing the beautiful creations that everyone else comes up with!

'Possum' thinks it's an overdecorated water bowl.

Comments on: "My Garden Bouquet (MGB) for April." (23)

  1. That looks like a bouquet to me, AND a beautiful one! All of your roses are so gorgeous! Love them all.

  2. I love “Roses Stuffed in a Jam Jar”! Wonderful, and I can only imagine how heavenly it smells!

  3. I have never heard of any of those names… Okay, well, I don’t know the names of any rose for that matter, even the one that grew in my garden space for two years.
    Love the names and the bouquet too!

  4. A lovely bouquet indeed.

  5. I love casual rose bouquets, and yours is lovely. I really like the different rose types all mixed together. The English roses stand out to me, but that’s probably because I’ve grown them in the past. Cats are so funny. Our first cat, who was a gift from the man that ended up becoming my husband, had a penchant for roses. For years we couldn’t have rose bouquets in the house. Not because he’d drink out of the water bowl. No. The cat would always bite the rose flowers clean off, just at the base of the flower. The first time it happened, I woke up one morning to a vase full of rose stems, and flowers and buds scattered all over the table. He would mow down entire bouquets! Never did figure out why…

  6. Hello,
    Your bouquet is so beautiful! I absolutely love roses and cannot wait for my small bushes to produce enough roses for me to create a bouquet out of. I especially like your Abraham Darby rose in the arrangement.

    Thank you very much for participating!


  7. That’s definitely a professional looking bouquet;-) Lovely roses!

  8. I thought I recognized Abraham, I’m waiting for mine to start blooming. Your bouquet is really pretty, I love using jars as vases.

  9. Your garden bouquet of roses is simply beautiful.

  10. You have some wonderful roses, and I think your bouquet is exactly what Noelle had in mind! It is very charming.

  11. Hello Jan, Catherine, Balisha & Deborah,
    Thank you for your lovely comments 🙂 Lucky for me that the roses are so pretty that they make up for my unskilled arrangement!

  12. I love how the individual buds set off the Abraham Darby in the closeup. And if memory serves, the scent is probably intoxicating, with all those classy Austin blooms. I’d be sticking my nose in it all day. 🙂

    That’s more than just flowers “stuffed into a jam jar” — that’s Beauty!

  13. Lovely! Casual and elegant. I like to use jam jars and milk bottles for my casual flower arrangements.

  14. Elephant's Eye said:

    (She’s found the glass marbles! 😉

    Voluptuous glorious delicious abundance – the way roses should be. Not a florist’s regimented rank of soldiers.

    • Hello Tatyana and Diana and thank you for lovely comments.
      Yes, I found the marbles Diana 😉 but I did mean to do a bit more than that…oh well, another time!

  15. Just joined this meme! I really don’t like bouquets that look too “arranged” so this is something that really appeals to me – gorgeous blooms and color combo, too. Can’t blame that cat for sticking his nose in… Nice to “meet” you and your blog!

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