Discovering a hidden haven in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia

Guess What?!

I’m guessing that anyone who has been following my tales of tomato woes will see the significance of this photo right away…

Yes, there is a green banana tucked in there – it works! Each day another tomato seems to start to change colour and ripens very quickly from there.

All I can say is “Thanks Meredith!” πŸ˜€

Comments on: "Guess What?!" (14)

  1. Yay! Your Tommy Toes are blushing! Isn’t science great? Looks like a little Ethylene gas did the trick.

  2. Woo hoo! I’m so glad it’s working, Heidi. That picture is a perfect way for me to get the celebration of Earth Day going in my heart this morning. Ripening tomatoes… we are mere months away now. πŸ˜‰

  3. Whoa! That’s cool. I remember my mom doing the same when she found unripe ‘matoes she found in the lot that we buy from markets.
    She’d keep some fruits in rice to ripen them – not sure which one, but will check with her.

  4. Good stuff. I wonder if a banana will bring mine back from death’s door?

  5. Congratulations, it worked! And we all learned from your experiment. Thanks.

  6. That’s great! I do a similar thing with apples when I want to ripen up my green tomatoes at the end of the season. I wonder if other fruits will work also?

  7. What a great tip! I will definitely take advantage of that one. Thank you for sharing πŸ™‚

  8. Wow, I’m going to try it right now! Thanks!!

  9. I’ve never heard of using a banana. I’ll have to try that.

  10. That is very cool method, got to remember that if I ever needed πŸ™‚

  11. that is crazy! i wonder if they sell banana leaves at whole foods or can i steal one from a neighbor? im with meredith: months and months…

  12. Thanks everyone for your comments!

    I did forget to mention that I had an apple in the paper bag for the first couple of days, but as it was pretty ripe I thought I’d try the still ripening banana instead (as Meredith had suggested both would work).

    I’m not sure if other fruit would work, but as Clare (Curbstone Valley) mentioned, it is about the Ethylene gas – so I guess if the fruit gives off that gas when ripening it should work!

  13. Hi, I’m glad you are finally getting to enjoy your tomatoes and they won’t all have to be resigned to chutney!

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