Discovering a hidden haven in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia

We had another unusual visitor to the GippyGarden household a couple of weeks ago, but unlike the Monarch butterfly, this one the Eastern Blue-tongue Lizard Tiliqua scincoides is definitely from around these parts!

I’ve read that Blue-tongues are happy to live in suburban back yards as long as there is plenty of cover and food for them, however it is not usual to see one when you are walking down the street in our town. I’ve not seen them often before and it has always been out of town when I have.

But, a week or two ago we had a couple of warm days after a cooler spell, which may have encouraged this critter to go for a wander a bit further than usual from home. My little family found him literally walking down the street, which turned out to be a surprise for everyone concerned. I wasn’t there at the time but apparently he was strolling along oblivious to the fact he was walking down the side of a road in danger of getting squashed.Β  I heard that he did quite a double take when he looked up and found my daughter doing her own double take back at him!

Not a great photo, but at least you can see why he's called a 'blue-tongue'!

Anyway, he was brought home for a quick photo shoot before being returned to nearby bushland for a bit of peace and quiet away from the traffic and the attraction of warm bitumen.

You can find out more about the Eastern Blue-tounge Lizard via the Australian Museum link here.

In other news from around the garden we discovered two more Monarchs on separate occasions having just emerged near the Milkweed over the last few days. It was interesting to see that they waited quite some time before being ready to fly away. It took the remainder of the day they emerged, through that night and on until the next day – and only when warm enough for their liking!

I’m also playing around with the appearance of my blog as I was getting tired of the old layout. Is this one too ‘busy’ do you think?

Have a great weekend,


Comments on: "A stroll with a Blue-tongue lizard" (16)

  1. Dear Heidi, The wildlife of Australia is interesting and exciting. Must admit I prefer the monarchs to your blue-tongued friend, though. P x

  2. Forgot to say — I like your new layout!

    • Thanks Pam πŸ™‚ I think like a lot of bloggers, I’ll never find one I’m 100% happy with, but this one is bright which I like.
      As for the blue-tongue, he might not be as beautiful as the Monarch, but I thought he was still pretty handsome in his own way!

  3. Love that blue tongue! We have Skilton Skinks here that have tails almost the same shade of blue, but actually managing to catch a shot with his tongue sticking out is fantastic! Glad to read you have found some more Monarchs too. As for the layout, I love how the blog post title stands out, I do miss the photo in the header though, but I do like it over all. That’s the trouble with WordPress, too many themes to choose from! Have a great weekend!

    • Hi Clare – just back from visiting your wonderful bees!
      You know, I didn’t even realise that a blue-tongue was a member of the skink family until I was reading up on them for this post – still so much to learn about so many things! One thing I was really taken with is just how beautiful their patterning is.
      thanks for your thoughts about the blog layout too – I agree about the banner photo, I’ll have to tinker about and see if this one will alow me to put one back in.

  4. What a tremendous thrill! Blue-tongues are not seen up here, apart from at our wildlife sanctuary. They really are amazing creatures.

    I rather like the new look! Not too busy at all.

    • Hi Bernie – well there you go, I’m surprised you don’t get them up your way, but then I’m sure you get plenty of other reptilian visitors!
      Thanks for the feedback about the new layout too, it’s growing on me πŸ™‚

  5. Gippy – cool post! I might get a bit nervous around reptiles – around here (because of the cold) the craziest/most exotic we’d get in the yard would be the salamander that’s taken up residence in my front garden. He (if it is a he) is dark green-black, and only reveals himself very periodically.

    BTW, I think your new blog ‘look’ is great. Changing it up from time to time is like a fresh breath of air (like “Spring Cleaning”). I’m a graphics geek – so color makes me happy!

    • Hiya Shyrlene – I don’t know much about salamanders so I’m going to have to go and look them up! A blue-tongue is generally pretty peaceful, he might give you a bite, but it’s not poisonous. It’s the snails that should be scared!
      Thanks for the blog layout feedback – I am enjoying the change!

  6. I like your new layout and the colorful spectrum on the top is a great idea!
    That’s a cool critter you sighted!!!!

  7. woah. this might be slightly disturbing to me. The lizards that end up in my house max out at about 3 inches long.

  8. You got some great pics of him…very nice color!

  9. Heidi, I like the blue tongue, too; it’s an amazing color — and goes very well with the great new look of your blog! πŸ™‚

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